
January 28, 2014

Winter Food and Warm Advice

Bit cold here in Michigan south today? Wind chill is making it colder too.

This is more like a Cold Lake Alberta or Edmonton winter. Often this cold in Ottawa or Montreal too.

My advice? Long underwear, a real winter jacket with hat, scarf and gloves.

Also Habitant for lunch. Pea soup. Soupe aux pois. French Canadian style.

Some bread to dip and you are good for the day.

Get some x-country skiis too. Enjoy the snow and sun.

Dr Mitton

January 20, 2014

A Professor's Secret Advice for Getting into College: Don't panic, Don't go into heavy debt.

Another college application season is coming to an end as we wind down the winter term. This tradition has changed in the last few years, because many colleges and universities take applications all year long. You can also start your classes in any term at many colleges, depending on the degree program. Are you a student, worried that you won't get into a good University? Are you the parents of your eldest child, about to enter their last year of high school? Maybe you home school, and you are worried you have messed up and ruined your Kid's chance to get into college? Well, don't panic. The real "SECRET" about college admission, is that the overwhelming majority of Universities and Colleges are eager to have your child come and register for classes at their institution. Here are some "secrets" that are not secrets at all. While there are many companies, especially in North America, which make money selling you college entrance prep services, it is actually very straight forward to gain acceptance into most universities. Furthermore, just going to the most expensive prestigious university does not really predict success after college. Ultimately, how well you do post-graduate will depend mostly on your own drive.

January 19, 2014

Banana Leaves for Pastelles

Tracy is making Cuban Stew and Puerto Rican Pastilles today. Lots of nice ingredients to a very healthy and hardy meal. Protein. Beef. Chicken. Pork. We have tomatoes, onions, calabaza winter squash, boniatos sweet potatoes, yautia taro root, green peppers, garlic cloves, cinnamon, celeryand spices.
Good warm kitchen in Rochester Michigan.

The banana leaves will be used to wrap and boil meat and vegetables mix in plantain masa dough.

I will post pics of the results later.

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