
June 15, 2013

Summer Undergraduate Program in Eye Research: paying forward.

S.U.P.E.R. 2013 scholars.

Here is our current crop of SUPER students in the Eye Research Institute. SUPER stands for Summer Undergraduate Program in Eye Research. We have eight newbies this summer, and as you can see they pretty much reflect the nature of our community and the trends in higher education. As we headed into the new century, we already knew that over 50% of science degrees were now being awarded to women. More and more professors in the sciences are also women, more than any time in our past and thus more role models exist to pave the way for our daughters who desire to be scientists and physicians. At this time, it is also not unusual that most graduating medical school students are now women.  It is clear from our records of SUPER applications over the last decade that the women applying are more likely to have higher GPAs and thus do well in our initial selection of applicants for interviews. Our students are also from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, reflecting who we are in North America and Michigan.

June 2, 2013

Your Top Five Science Rant Reads in May 2013: Acai hype, Grapefruit dangers with medicines, Fabric Posters, Contact lens cleaning, Replacement for iWeb iDisk

Based on you, my readers: here were the blog posts that attracted the most attention during May 2013:


The scam nature of antioxidant drinks like Acai and Bilberry were of large interest.